As dental professionals, Lakefront Smiles believes that your oral health should be one of your main priorities. Similar to how you’d visit a hospital emergency room in the event that you needed urgent care, the same should be available for oral health needs.
If you’ve been looking for such a thing, look no further than our dentist near you at Lakefront Smiles. Having emergency dentistry available near you can be incredibly convenient when you need us most.
Dr. Pushpinder Sethi wants each patient who walks through our clinic doors to get professional aid at any time. With that being said, it’s essential to mention that not all conditions are dental emergencies. If you need to be seen for a regular cleaning, x-ray, or cosmetic dental treatment such as veneers near you, please make an appointment with our caring staff.
As a patient, we know that it can be hard to know when to go in for emergency dentist in Stockton, CA. Dr. Pushpinder Sethi suggests that patients experiencing things such as moderate to severe jaw pain, bleeding in the mouth, or oral trauma to seek emergency care.
Also, give us a call if you have any of the following:
Dr. Pushpinder Sethi at Lakefront Smiles in Stockton, CA asks that you do what you can to prevent dental emergencies before they start. This includes taking care of your oral health with a thorough oral hygiene routine.
Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Go slowly and for two minutes each time. If you were a nightguard, clear aligners, or have special instructions from your Stockton dentist 95207, please follow them accordingly.
If you’re already experiencing a emergency dentist near you, please call us. Your specific situation will determine which treatment we think is best. If we can help you over the phone, we will in a timely manner. Some more serious injuries and emergencies require personal attention.
Have you seen anyone screaming or worst crying in pain? Our staff is trained to deal with this especailly when it comes to Toothache and or broken tooth which also happen to be the most common dental emergencies.
Lost filling or crown are two other dental emergencies that we see all the time.
When you require urgent dental attention, you want a local dental team with emergency experience. Rest assured that you can reach the experienced staff at Lakefront Smiles - Stockton CA emergency dental clinic anytime dental problems arise. You will always be able to speak to someone who cares about and understands what you are experiencing. Whatever your dental emergency is, call us. We provide solutions depending on the dental emergency. SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS to treat the condition causing pain.
Extended hours in the evening on Weekdays and Weekend hours. We are open evenings and weekends.
PRESCRIPTION - to relieve pain and infection.
If you have a toothache depending on the serverity we can schedule you to come and see one of our experienced dentists - We will need to do an in office checkup so we can do a radiograph to diagnosis and treatment plan.
Some of the common solution could be a filling or root canal treatment with a crown depending on the diagnosis.
If you have abscess or infection around your gums, tooth or root it could be a serious condition that can damage tissue and surrounding teeth, with the infection possibly spreading to other parts of the body if left untreated. In the meantime, to ease the pain, rinse your mouth with a warm salt water solution (1/2 teaspoon of table salt in 8 ounces of water) several times a day. Applying ice to the swollen area might also help with the swelling.
Your first reaction is going to be SHOCK!
So you have to get over the initial shock quickly and move fast. If its a Child whose tooth came out you have to confirm that it's a permanent tooth and one that they are going to loose anyway.
Baby teeth don't need to get reimplanted.
If it's a permanent or adult tooth that has been knocked out, hold it by the crown, not by the roots. If needed, clean it with tap water don't scrub try to put it back in the socket in the same position it was previous to getting knocked out, and bite on a clean cloth to hold it in place.
If you can’t put it back into position - place it in milk and contact your emergency dentist and urgently or the closest emergency dentist in the area and dont forget to take the tooth with you. Studies conducted by ( have shown that if a tooth can be replanted in under 60 mins it will likely survive.
Loosing a filling should be addressed right away. If the cavity is small you might not feel any pain that does not mean it can be ignored. If the cavity is large and you can feel the pain or are uncomfotable you might be to get relieve by sticking a piece of sugarfree gum in the teeth. If you use gum with sugar in it you will feel more pain.
If its a crown that came off make sure to keep it in a safe place like a ziplock bag and bring it with you when you come in for your appointment.
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